AP Art and Design, Sustained Investigation Portfolios
2019- 2020
AP Art and Design students worked all year on their“Sustained Investigation”, a body of work driven by a guiding question that they recently submitted to the College Board. Students were encouraged to draw from personal experience and create work about a topic that had significance to them. Their topics ranged from “Activism and Women’s Rights” to "Atmosphere and Light” to “Immigration”. Some students spent all year working on a large project, such as an immersive installation, a post-apocalyptic graphic novel and a tarot deck. Others created 10 individual artworks. Throughout the year, students conducted research, sketched and planned ideas, experimented, shared their work in critiques, and wrote and reflected.
Below is a selection of one work from each student. To view each student's full portfolio, please click on the button with their name to the right.